Red Flags and Resolutions: Sex and Dating Priorities for 2024

by Lovehoney

on 8 Dec 2023

Our latest survey reveals what Brits will be making a priority for their sex and dating lives in 2024.

Red Flags and Resolutions | Lovehoney UK

Red Flags and Resolutions: These are Brits' top sex and dating priorities for 2024

Whether we want to get fitter or learn a new hobby, the start of the new year always brings with it plenty of resolutions. But what are we prioritising when it comes to sex, dating, and relationships?

To find out, we’ve surveyed nearly 1,000 people across the UK to explore what kind of sex-focused resolutions Brits are making for 2024. We’ve also spoken to Elisabeth Neumann, Head of User Research at Lovehoney, who has explained why our own personal satisfaction should be at the top of our priority list. And with a quarter of Brits (25%) admitting they want to use sex toys more next year, Elisabeth has also shared some tips for bringing these into the bedroom.

What are our top sex and dating resolutions for 2024?

Two important resolutions tied for Brits’ biggest sex and dating priorities in the new year. Over a quarter (26%) of people we spoke to said they want to be more open to their partner’s boundaries and desires heading into 2024, and the same number said they want to make emotional intimacy a priority (as well as physical intimacy).

In fact, open-mindedness and getting intimate are key themes among the UK’s resolutions, with one in four (25%) Brits saying their top priority is being more adventurous in the bedroom, and 24% wanting to put an emphasis on intimacy within their sexual relationships.

On top of that, 21% of us are focused on communication, and being open about our desires, while 18% want to explore and understand our own bodies and sexual preferences first. Satisfaction starts within, so learning what you do and don’t like in the bedroom is super important for a fulfilling sex life in 2024.

Elisabeth believes we should all be putting an emphasis on having a healthy sex and dating life next year. She says, “It has been shown that being happy in your sex and dating life plays a significant part in your mental and physical wellbeing. It can reduce stress, improve sleep, boost the immune system, and release endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. However, keep in mind that ‘happy and healthy’ doesn’t necessarily mean often, it’s a very subjective and individual matter. It means on your own terms, according to your own needs and based on your desires.”

Brits' Biggest Sex and Dating Priorities for 2024

How do 2024 priorities differ for men and women?

Looking at our resolutions a little more closely, there are some key differences between what men and women are planning to make a priority next year. For the ladies, emotional intimacy comes top of the list, with a third (33%) saying they want to focus on this as well as physical intimacy.

Meanwhile, men are more keen to shake things up between the sheets, as their top resolution is to be more adventurous in the bedroom (27%).

Regional resolutions

Our New Year’s resolutions also vary depending on where we live around the UK. People who live in the likes of Glasgow (38%), Nottingham (48%), and Plymouth (50%) all want to spice things up a bit in the bedroom, while those in Birmingham (29%), Bristol (31%), Manchester (28%) and Newcastle (41%) want to put more focus on their partner's boundaries and desires.

Those in Cardiff are more concerned about the dating side of things, and 27% want to clearly communicate their expectations for this in the new year.

Red flags & Resolutions - Each City's Sex & Dating Priority for 2024

Why is it important to prioritise your own wellness and satisfaction?

While being open to partners’ boundaries and desires is one of the most popular resolutions for 2024, plenty of us also want to focus on our own needs and satisfaction as we turn the page to a new year.

With 18% of Brits wanting to better understand their own body and preferences, and 15% aiming to prioritise their own sexual satisfaction, we asked Elisabeth why this is so important for a healthy and happy sex life.

She says, “Prioritising your own sexual satisfaction empowers you to understand your desires, preferences, and boundaries. The more confident you are about your own needs, the easier it gets to communicate them to others. You’ll have a more positive relationship with your own body and sexuality, and you’ll also build trust and intimacy in your other relationships. Purposefully ignoring one's sexual needs might cause frustration, decreased self-esteem, and conflict with partners.

Top tips on how to introduce sex toys in the bedroom

A quarter of Brits are seeking to spice up their sex lives with a little adventure in 2024, and sex toys are a tried-and-tested way to go about it. Quite a few people we surveyed even made their resolutions sex toy-specific, with 16% saying they want to use toys more with a partner and nearly one in 10 (9%) wanting to use them more often when alone.

In light of this, we’ve put together our very best advice for bringing sex toys into the bedroom, so you can enjoy all their many (many) benefits.

1. Communication is key

You’ve heard it before, but open and honest communication really is the foundation for a healthy sexual relationship. Before introducing sex toys (or anything else that’s a little new), have a candid conversation with your partner about desires, fantasies, and boundaries. Discussing your feelings and preferences helps create a comfortable environment for both partners to express themselves without judgment.

Elisabeth advises, “Choose the right situation and try to bring it up in a positive moment. It will be much more helpful if you are concrete, so if there is a specific toy, technique or role play you always wanted to try, include it in the conversation. It’s easier for a partner to respond to your needs if they are clear. Also, ask them for their ideas and desires, maybe you’ll discover something surprisingly new about them!”

2. Respect their boundaries

Everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to sexual exploration. Respect your partner's boundaries and be mindful of their feelings. If they share any concerns about using sex toys, take the time to chat about those concerns and understand their perspective.

3. Start small

If you’re new to the big, wide world of sex toys, you’re better off starting small. Choose toys that are small, easy to use, and not overly complicated. That might mean a small vibrator, a beginner-friendly couple's toy, or even a soft bondage accessory. Remember, the goal is to enhance pleasure and intimacy, so prioritise both your and your partner’s comfort.

On trying out new sex toys, Elisabeth also advises, “Be guided by curiosity and joy! If you want to try something completely new, start slow and be patient with yourself — it’s about enjoying the journey. Some toys, especially the more advanced ones, might have a learning curve. Search for advice and take it as an opportunity to learn about your body, anatomy, and needs.

4. Have fun!

Above all, sex toys are designed to be fun — so have fun with them! Experiment with different toys, positions, and scenarios to find out what gets you both off. Use the opportunity to learn more about each other's desires and deepen your connection.

Methodology & Sources

A survey was carried out on 926 people in the UK aged 18+ in November 2023.

Expert commentary provided by:

Elisabeth Neumann, Head of User Research at Lovehoney


Written by Lovehoney. For collaborative posts between Lovehoney team members and guest authors
Covering simply everything

Originally published on 8 Dec 2023. Updated on 8 Mar 2025