This Week on YouTube: How to Make Your Erection Bigger
A question we get asked a LOT at Lovehoney is "how can I make my penis bigger?"
Now, we like to remind people that bigger doesn't necessarily mean better, and it's often better to learn some tips and tricks to use what nature gave you.
There's a lot of truth to the old saying "it's not the size, but what you do with it that counts".
But for those penis-owning people out there who want to boost the size of their boner, there are several ways of doing so, for both short and long term gains.
If you hunt around the internet (or have a peep in your junk emails, for that matter!) you'll trip over dozens of ways to increase the size of your penis.
However not all of these methods are particularly safe or reliable (bee stings anyone?!) and some can even lead to shrinkage later in life, so it's really important you do your research and choose a safe way to magnify your meat flute.
In this weeks video guide, Jess and Annabelle tell you 4 sure-fire ways to do exactly that!