Discounted Penis Pumps
With regular use, a penis pump can help you increase the length and girth of your penis. Browse our collection of top-rated penis vacuum pumps, and discover a whole new confident you in the bedroom. Penis enlargement pumps come in many different sizes, with many different features and gadgets to help you pump your way to a bigger penis. Choose from vibrating pumps, hydro pumps, the best budget penis pumps and many more. Find the best penis pump for you with the help of our Beginner's Guide to Penis Pumps.
Why Buy a Penis Pump?
As the name suggests, penis enlargement pumps are designed to help to enlarge the look and feel of your penis.
With regular use, a cock pump may help you increase the length and girth of your penis. While giving your VIP a boost can be great for giving you confidence in the bedroom, there are other benefits too.
For instance, some of our best penis pumps add to your pleasure too. Because the pumping action increases blood circulation, cock pumps make your skin ultra sensitive, enhancing sensual sensations.
We also sell a range of vibrating penis pumps. These have the ability to increase your dick size, heighten sensations and give you a satisfying buzz.
How do Penis Pumps Work?
Cock pumps work by creating an airtight vacuum around your penis. When you use the hand pump the cylinder will create a vacuum. This suction increases the blood flow in your penis and as we know from Science class, this is what causes the penis to grow and become erect.
Water penis pumps use the same method, however instead of using air to create suction, they use water. Water penis pumps are beneficial as the water creates a more consistent, powerful and uniform vacuum. This may result in more even growth.
How to Use a Penis Pump
To use an air-activated cock pump, first you’ll need to apply a small amount of lubricant to the entrance to the cylinder. Then place the cylinder over your penis, making sure you’re creating an air-tight seal.
Slowly and gently squeeze the hand pump, making sure to take short breaks before each pump. When you’re satisfied with the size, use the release valve to release the air and remove.
To use a water penis pump, it’s best to get in the bath or shower. Fill your pump with water and place the cylinder over your penis. Pull the pump down slowly to create a seal. Then use the pumping mechanism until no more water comes out of the cylinder.
Leave the water penis pump on for 5-6 minutes. It’s important to not over-pump, over-use, or leave your cock pump in place for too long. A full session of pumping up and releasing should take no more than 20 minutes.
Using a penis enlargement pump can be a good way to get yourself standing to attention before sex. However for longer-lasting length, you're likely to need to use your pump on a daily basis. 15-20 minutes a day could show immediate growth, but consistent use over 6 weeks is more likely to provide optimal results.